Tuesday, February 2, 2010


As I mention before the girls have been sick many times. Just after we got back from celebrating New Years in Lewiston with the Lathens, Micah and Cale got sick again!! I spent two days sitting on the couch with the both of them laying all over me, taking turns puking and running fevers. It was a long couple of days............

I love this expression on Cale's face. I said, "Cale are you sick?" To which she replied, "yeah."

They would just take turns being awake, puking, and falling asleep. Cale would fall asleep in the funniest postitions.

Micah was so hot she didn't want anything on and kept pulling on her PJ's. I felt so bad for her.

I was so glad Zoe didn't get sick as well and I hope we are at the end of our sickness!!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

poor little sickies. Yucky!