Friday, June 26, 2009

Priest Lake Camping

Our new favorite place to go!! I have been trying to blog this all week but it has been so crazy. We went camping last Mon & Tues. It was much colder than I would have liked but we had so much fun. It was a lot of work with three little kids but it can only get better from here on out. Brad and I found ourselves on the go constantly and received very little sleep in the night. Micah didn't enjoy camping as much of the rest of us and slept very little during the day or night.

There are a lot of pictures because I couldn't decide which ones I liked the best. I had so much fun taking pictures of the girls down by the lake and they were willing participants.

Zoe loved the big trees and wanted her picture by all of them she found.

Brad found a dragonfly hatching. We are missing a couple of pictures in the series but it was so cool to watch. It was still coming out of the crystalis when Brad found it. We watched it grow wings, get long, spread its wings, and fly away. What a neat experience to see.

Brad and the girls had fun all morning paddling around the lake. Zoe fell in getting out of the Kayak and got a little too cold to continue but had lots of fun until then.

I could help but take this picture. She had several rough patched in the day. If she is tired or hungry Cale has a rough time of it. She kept destroying everything Zoe wrote in the sand and had to sit on the rock several times always with this reaction.

I wanted a picture of Zoe but she was giving me the cold shoulder. Then all of the sudden she turned around and I got..........

this cute little pose!! I love my Zoe Mae.

Daddy and his girls. They love to throw rocks in anytime we are next to water. Zoe loves rocks and collected many on this trip. She has so many and I get frustrated finding them everywhere. When you ask her why she has so many she says, "I just like them."

I love watching Zoe and Cale together. Zoe is constantly watching out for Cale and including her in things and Cale is following right along doing exactly what Zoe does. I pray this continue to have this close relationship as they grow older.

The only downfall of the trip was our camera breaking. When we got home the girls started Soccer but I have no pictures yet!! Brad is already planning our next trip to the lake!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Rocks, Rocks, & More Rocks!!

Plan for the the rock wall for the yard. Daddy was in charge of dressing and hair.

Not to bad on the hair huh?

This was the end result for the day. Not as far as I thought we would get but a great start. As Brad would say, "we've started and that is the hardest part." Zoe and Cale worked and played hard all day as well. Everyone enjoyed Popsicles on the sidewalk, showers at the end of the day and a relaxing evening watching a movie.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

New Family Toy!!

We got a couple of pictures the other day of Brad in the inflatable Kayak on the Jarbidge Bruno. He remembered how much he like it and then...........

..........found a good deal to good to pass up. So we now are owners of our own inflatable Kayak. Zoe it sure it is her boat. Brad is excited to take it camping with us this next week to Priest Lake. I am sure we will all have a lot of fun with it. The girls already have just on the sidewalk.

I Do Have A Green Thumb!!

I decided to try tomato plants in pots this year and they are doing great!! They love the nice big pots. Yesterday we went out and there is a little tiny tomato already growing. The girls are so excited. Zoe however did say, "I prefer them when they are red."

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Yummy, Yummy!!

Micah for the last several weeks has really noticed food as we eat. At her 4 month appointment the Dr. said I could start feeding her anytime. I just haven't been ready for her to be at that point yet or for the mess of it. They older girls are just so helpful sometimes I wasn't ready for all the help!! I did get the chair out so that Micah could sit with us for dinner. She loves it!!
Yesterday as Cale was napping the timing just seemed right so Zoe and I fed Micah her 1st rice cereal. Zoe of course did the honors and loved every minute of it. She was the 1st to feed Cale as well. She doesn't get tired of it either.

She loved chewing on her bib the whole time.

She didn't eat a lot but enjoyed what she did. I guess they grow up no matter how much you wish you could slow it down.

After A Long Hard Day of Work.....

On Saturday we work hard all day on the yard. We loaded all the tree stumps and limbs to take to the dump, sprayed the weeds, visited the dump, and loaded tons of rock at Griffins house for the rock wall. It was free as long as we loaded. We should have been smarter about the timing and not gone in the heat of the day but the girls were troopers. Zoe wouldn't give up and kept picking up and throwing them in. Brad constantly picked up Cale so she could throw her rocks in too. They were big helpers. We loaded up in the truck to head home and didn't make it very far before they were all asleep. Brad and Zoe chased down the ice cream truck after we got home for treats!!

Micah got the sippy cups after her sisters had finished them. Didn't bother her!!

This is all the rock we hauled. Now to build the wall. I tired to get the girls to make muscles, it didn't go as well as I had hoped. The more I tired to get them to do it the less they looked at the camera!! Girls!!