Thursday, February 12, 2009

Valentines Day Traditions

I was thinking about what I wanted to do for my girls on Valentines. I thought I would ask and see if anyone had anything fun that they did or that their families do for Valentines Day. I would love lots of ideas!!

Thanks for the help!!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I don't really do anything too fun. Sometimes we make sugar cookies...., sometimes we cut out hearts and hang them all over the house, sometimes we swap valentines but I always make lasagna and cherry magnifique. Yum!

When I was little my mom bought us the HUGEST heart suckers one year. I thought it was awesome (obviously if I still remember it 20 years later). Mine was sitting on the bathroom counter when I got out of the shower.

Good Luck with the ideas. pass on any good ones.