Thursday, April 30, 2009

New for Micah......

Zoe decided that Micah needed to accessorize a little bit!!

She really likes to take baths and they are in the kitchen sink. She is working on sitting up in the sink these days. She will be content for a long time until you take her out. Then she screams through the whole dressing process.

She has started to suck on her thumb!! I keep taking it out and putting in the binkie. Brad says, "good luck with that!" Then he said, "she has the technique all wrong but she will figure it out." She finds it more and more each day!!

The biggest news of all is she has started to laugh!! It is so amazing to hear it for the 1st time. Cale and I almost had her laughing the night before but she didn't quite get there. I was in the bedroom dressing the girls for bed when we heard Micah laughing. Brad really had her going. Everyone was so excited for her. We haven't had much success since then but everyone keeps trying. She gets to really squealing when you play patty-cake with her. Sorry the video isn't longer but Brad didn't want everyone to hear his high pitched voice for her!!


Melanie said...

I LOVE new baby laughs. You are right, they are amazing.

secwalker said...

Hey. It was great to see you all and your cute house. We'll plan for Labor day . . . !!